Learn the Magic FIFO Roster that Increases Project Value and Team Well-Being
AUTHOR: Dan Hunt, General Manager
POSTED: 8 April 2020
It is well known that strategic planning of fly-in/fly-out rosters lead to project efficiencies and reduced cost. But what is the magic shift ratio that realises the best cost and productivity benefits? HTS have spent a number of years increasing performance, reducing costs and optimizing a work-life balance for our teams. Our schedules not only add value to the project but create positive wellbeing amongst our people. Discover our finetuned roster strategy that serves employees and the business simultaneously.
The HTS preferred roster operates on a rotation of 19 days on and 9 days off. In addition, we use a 1 day off every 14 days as a rostered day off (RDO) for fatigue management.
There are several notable reasons why this schedule works best for the business and employees. Let’s break it down.
The 19/9 roster allows employees to fall into a steady rhythm at work. HTS has found that 14 days on-site isn't enough to get into a routine. We have noticed that on average our people take 3-4 days settling in and making that mental shift when returning to work. In addition, evidence of decompression was apparent in some of our team as much as 3-4 days at the end of their roster. This cycle of productivity decreases momentum, leaving a limited number of days of peak efficiency and performance per employee. However, a 19-day schedule of work has resulted in people that are notably more active, motivated and productive. Ultimately, the improved momentum and focus produces improved project outcomes and adds extra value.
Our roster is effective in striking a ‘work-life balance’ without compromising performance and productivity. This work cycle produces a sustainable rhythm by providing people with two weekends at home each month balanced with two weekends on-site. Essentially, it is important to be rested during their break in order to return to work rejuvenated. Importantly, our people also agree that nine days off is the optimum amount of time to decompress from the work and being away from home, rest, spend time with family and community and lead a rewarding lifestyle; all without becoming stagnate, bored or feeling financially hindered.
In our experience rosters must consider the personal, physical, social and economic complexities of your employees instead of “doing what we have always done”. This roster strategy has proven to be sustainable in that it facilitates long-term productivity and longevity for all team members.
As a company whose vision is to innovate the construction industry, HTS consistently evaluates our systems to ensure that they are conducive with principles of sustainable development. The evolution of our ideal roster over time is a result of the ongoing evaluation and open communication with our people.
HTS Constructions are committed to growth and adaptability to ensure we remain relevant and sustainable whilst progressing in the social and economic environment. Find out how to increase productivity even further by understanding FIFO compression and decompression is affecting your project.